August 2016-August 2018
The gravel treatment operations proposed in NM14 raise potential environmental, noise and safety issues and address the language of sand and gravel operations in the Code. A TTRA activity was launched to clarify and strengthen the language. A “call to action” email was sent to all TTRA member organizations to gather information and support, followed by invitations to four public community meetings on the proposed Sustainable Land Change Development Code (SLDC). An email calling for awareness and participation was requested. One of the problem areas centered around the Small-Scale Sand and Gravel Mining Ordinance, which regulates sand and gravel mining of less than 10 acres. As a result of our efforts, this section of code was significantly revised and adopted in 2018.


October 2017-September 2018 

In late summer 2017, the Santa Fe Gateway Alliance, formed by residents of Rancho Viejo, contacted TTRA regarding a proposed truck stop between Cerrios Road and NM14, requested our assistance. Not only was it contrary to the quality of life promoted by the Turquoise Trail, and it appeared dangerous from a road safety and environmental point of view, but it also introduced a strong commercial element into the neighboring parcels, making the site problematic. bottom. A campaign was launched to raise awareness and educate the public through leaflets, emails, FB pages, newspaper articles, and mass gatherings of large numbers of local residents.It also covers the cost of legal services. Funds were also raised for A full meeting of planners, a pre-arranged and rehearsed panel of speakers presented various issues relevant to the project. Planners voted against the proposal, and project officials appealed the decision to district officials. Crowds of hundreds of residents rushed to two county commission hearings where the county commissioners spoke in support of the Protestant group. On August 30, 2018, in a thorough and reasonable executive order filed on August 28, 2018, the Santa Fe County Commissioner (BCC) authorized Pilot Travel Centers, LLC at Exit 278, LLC. The concept of partially rejected his plan application. Truck stops, etc. at the intersection of South Route 14 and I-25. (Exit 278, LLC is the local corporation that owns the property.) Page 48 Order finally made the decision announced by BCC at a hearing on the application on May 8, 2018. . Notably, the BCC rejected portions of the application proposing specific uses for the truck stop, but the draft included the rest of the proposed uses, including a gas station, a grocery store, and his three fast-food restaurants. Approved for use. BCC has also approved two additional development phases in the application, including two hotels and her one restaurant, all of which require additional applications and approvals. Pursuant to this order, Pilot Flying J withdrew its permit application. At this time, there are no concrete plans to develop an approved stage. BCC’s decision is based primarily on two of his findings. First, the proposed “use of truck stops” did not substantially resemble the permitted land use. Second, the proposed truck stop was not aligned with the County’s Sustainable Growth Management Plan and the Community College District’s plan.


 May 2016–August 2019 
After approval of the new Santa Fe County Code and Zoning in late December 2015 (effective January 2016), TTRA will work with the county to develop another draft. replaced the mining terminology in the code to be more comprehensive. Mining regulations are based on a form of oil and gas regulation. Through a series of work sessions over two years, with the help of consultants consulted by the county, we created an ordinance that would provide strong protections against mining in Santa Fe County. The ordinance was passed in September 2019 and served as a model for several other counties seeking similar protection.


In September 2017 Commissioner Dan Stoddard introduced an Ordinance which would give county staff sole authority to approve or deny drilling applications, allow oil and gas drilling without public notice, hearings or a vote by the county commission, and wouldn`t require baseline groundwater testing or post-drilling monitoring. All an oil or gas company had to do was to fill out an application, staff would only be required to make sure it was complete and then within 10 days the Department Director would be required to grant a permit. The Stoddard ordinance, if approved, could have potentially put the Albuquerque and Rio Rancho aquifers, used by Sandoval County, Rio Rancho and Albuquerque, at risk of contamination from chemicals used in drilling, fracking and production. It was scheduled for a private meeting of the Commissioners, which was not advertised or promoted. TTRA, Sierra Club and other citizen groups (tribal leadership, the pueblos, and organizing work from Pueblo Action Alliance, Dine-Pueblo Solidarity, and the Red Nation) worked to raise awareness and turn people out at several Sandoval County Commissioner hearings, through phone calling, emailing, public testimonies, lobbying, and public forums. At the hearing, which was filled with “rich” citizens watching on monitors in the ground-floor lobby, the locals present were visibly and audibly shaken, voicing their opposition to the proposed regulation. As a result, the Sandoval County Commission voted against the introduction of the Stoddard Ordinance at its December 14, 2017 board meeting. Attempts to reintroduce slightly modified measures in early 2018 met with similar resistance and failed.


2013 In October 2013, Santa Fe Gold began seeking public support and permission to open a gold mine on the 42,297-acre portion of the old Ortiz Mine, which includes the entire Lone Mountain Ranch. An analysis Santa Fe Gold submitted to the New Mexico Department of Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources in July said the company had removed 125 million tons of rock from two canyons in the region and removed 1,000 feet of water to a depth of 1,000 feet to the north. I was planning on digging a hole. Karachi Canyon. Mary Lloyd Estrin’s family has owned a 27,545-acre ranch since 1965. The Turquoise Trail Regional Alliance (TTRA) has joined forces with Earthworks, Fair Jewelery Action and other organizations to form a coalition against irresponsible mining. Earthworks has published a study pointing to high water usage, groundwater pollution and devastation to surrounding areas. Santa Fe Gold is reportedly financially unstable and questionable in its ability to secure and recover a project of its proposed size. TTRA and partners launched an online and newspaper education and awareness campaign, along with a letter and email campaign against the Santa Fe County Commission. In July 2014, Santa Fe Gold’s president resigned, canceling a proposed merger with a Canadian mining company. The price of gold then fell, and the project was shelved until the price rose enough to secure a profit from the business. TTRA will continue to monitor this site for potential new interest as the price of gold rises in the market.